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Atia Sen

Artist Statement

My work  stems from our natural environment and the people I interact with. Since I have been born into a family filled with nature and wild-life enthusiasts, I am constantly inspired by the wilderness; the colours, the different hues, the textures and it's visual effect on the human eye. Lately, playing around with sense of space and altering our environment through reflection as a tool is a new fascination I have been exploring. These include- mirror photography and installations. I am currently exploring different kinds of material that visually trigger the human mind. Experimenting with people and their sense of reality and consciousness through changing/altering a space is something that fascinates me. 

I graduated from Srishti Institute of Art, Design and Technology (Bangalore) with Contemporary Arts as my major in 2017. I have been in courses which involve photoshop, illustrator, Indesign, Photography, Drawing, Painting and Social skills. 


Worked at The Hub- a residency for people to come together from different walks of life, based in Bangalore. Here, I was called as an artist to do up their entire 2nd floor corridor with murals and interactive installations (documented photos available in the work section).


Part of Kyta2017- 10 Artists x 10 Disciplines = 1 Result. Kyta is an experimental collaborative residency program set in the gorgeous Himalayan village, Kalga in HP, India. It is a time and space to create a unified experience of travel and art. Every year 15 artists are selected from all parts of the world to collaborate and work together. Here, I had the opportunity to work with extremely talented artists from all parts of the world. By the end of this residency, I created a large scale mirror installation in the mountains, playing with shadow, light and various angles and perspective. ( Documentation can be viewed in the work section, called- Floating landscapes)


Interned with Khoj- International Artists Association, for 2 months as an assistant curator. 




Hands on work, building and making installations with mirror, Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, Photography, illustrations by hand and digitally as well. 


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Tel - 9880235632

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