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Khasi Khoj

When people talk about nature, I wonder why they see humans and nature as 

separate entities. I personally feel that’s what divides us from nature. If we felt the belongingness in the first place, our love and care for nature would naturally come to us. 


Since a very young age, I have always been very fascinated and intrigued by different people and different communities; their history, their thought processes, opinions, ideologies, rituals, traditions and beliefs. Therefore, I decided to work with the Khasi tribe, of Meghalaya in my final project. It consists of small anecdotes of the people I have interacted with; their thoughts, stories, rituals, traditions, beliefs and practices. I have used photography and illustrations as my medium to portray my personal interactions with them. The illustrations depict the inner side of the people that I have to come to know based on my conversations with them, a few vital aspects that helped me understand them better. I took forward the project by meeting 

people of the same tribe who have migrated to larger cities for better job opportunities and better education; to understand their perspective and thoughts, their reason to migrate and their beliefs and practices. 

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