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An alternate and different view of the relationship between the man-made and the natural environment of the cities we live in, through mirror and reflection as a tool.  


These tall mirrored buildings that exist and are constantly coming up in the cities we live in today, reflect the outdoor surroundings making an attempt to merge with nature but they’re only creating an illusion, a dream like state that feels so alienated and so distant from our natural world. There’s something very inorganic about the feel of the cities we live in these days, which is highly frightening. My work aims to show this feeling of separation from our natural surroundings on a smaller scale. I want the viewers to experience something so geometric, sharp, inorganic and lifeless in the middle of our natural spaces.  


I worked with 3 different kind of cubes- varying in size and color for different perspectives and outcomes. 

Life Behind the Walls.

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